
Oh go masturbate in the corner.

And yet you decided to publicly announce your ignorance. Way to go, moron.

Yes, because single player in Battlefield has always been soooooooooooo realistic and historically accurate.

Please shut down the internet. Nothing will ever top this.

Yeah, for me the quality definitelly dropped in later seasons. The show became too self-indulgent, and characters turned into caricatures of itself.
But hey, if you’re gonna cancel something, cancel shit like Big Bang Theory, leave B99 alone.

I’m from Poland, have been reading Witcher books since I was 13. And I hate those racist assholes with a passion.
I would love Lin Manuel Miranda as Dandillion, and Lauren agrees with me!


I eventually dropped out. I think the characters became cartoonish versions of themselves way too quickly. Also, when I see armed policemen who knoch out bad guys by whacking them on the head with some comical props, I get a headache myself. I know, I know, comedy - but come on, it doesn’t have to be Scooby Doo.

Oh man, I gotta quickly make a shitty game and lead a marketing campaing stating that it has no black people in it, and never will. Those morons will buy it in spades just to “piss off the SJWs”.

Just a few days ago, online play finally started to work for me. I was playing tag team combat with 5 other guys, and it was great!
Then, they implemented a 3-gb patch. Everything went to shit, online does not work for me anymore.
Just... goddammit.

It still amazes me that so many people actually watch streams. And even pay for it! This is even more boring than watching sports.

I think it was... season 4? I realized something then - I don’t give a flying fuck about the characters anymore. They are all the same now, with no distinguishing traits, just a bunch of dishevelled assholes constantly bickering with each other. The only character who I genuinely liked was Hershell. So, of course,

This moron is in prison, this is the perfect time to stop giving him attention. Let him rot in there.

“Sure is a lot of not killing Son Goku going around here”

Great job guys, keep giving him views so you can write about how he sucks! That will teach him!

You know, I am not one to bodyshame anyone. So I’m not gonna say anything about how Jan looks.
What I am gonna say is that she is an idiot, and Demetria is just... I mean.... Hot damn, I have no words.