

Dis. Agree. The new screwdriver needs a wrench for torque. Plus the neck is too short for any screw in a shaft. You’re going to want a Dremel and a drill for any time a screw gets stripped or the metal shears at an angle. No razorblade, no playing cards... Ifixit’s weird prybar is going to cut through a flex cable.

Dis. Agree. The new screwdriver needs a wrench for torque. Plus the neck is too short for any screw in a shaft.

Great, a man that doesn’t care about facts.

Best reason to switch:

Firefox is hugely inefficient.

You won internet.

I would have loved if the game wasn’t tied to Chrono Trigger. If they didn’t decide to retrofit the DS with Cross mythos that made Lavos into an egg for fertization. If they didn’t take the unique universe and then add dwarves and dragons. I think everybody I know loves the atmosphere and music of Cross, but I just

Ash still loses because his best Pokemon is a Pikachu. I said it.

Vote and die.

Nope, my mom still cleans my floors for me.

Wonderfalls. And Batman Beyond.

Also, lol, ReBoot.

The real reason is because when a girl wears less armor, she becomes more protected. Obviously.

Granted, building down is still vertical.

Yes please.

'Loses respect as a gamer'? What does that even mean? I feel like - and I hate you for making me feel this way - that part in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, where Kiera is like 'the pirate rules say I'm safe during a parlay', and the old guy is like, 'birch, we're pirates, we ain't got rules'.

Who wouldn't want a Nintendo brand Smartphone? Indestructible, beautiful, with a few really fun games, and your favorite characters since childhood.

Of course, you can't call people that you haven't rubbed phones with, and you can only have fifteen second conversations. Also, all the text messages are pre-loaded

His response to allegations sure is whiny. Gotta hate when a person in authority uses shallow emotional ploys to assist their privileged position in utilizing their legitimate authority.

Is there a decent RSS feed for this stuff? I was watching one, only to end up missing my window for Diance.

That would be counted between the two of them.

"Normal Again" totally gets brought back. In the episode, they mention that she's back to being lucid after some time being "lost in her story". Later in the season, when Buffy explains why she's pissed off at the fact she was brought back from the dead, she describes that she 'wasn't in hell', and that all the