Ugh... I hate when cosplayers don’t go the extra mile to get plastic surgery.
Ugh... I hate when cosplayers don’t go the extra mile to get plastic surgery.
I see in you eyes, a fear. A fear of a coming day, a coming age when Witcher 3 Cosplay won’t be done that often. A day when we can’t just see amazing examples of men and women taking on the roles of the digital characters we hold so dear.
But today is not that day.
An hour when we can’t just look up amazing…
The cosplay is great, but she also kinda looks like Liv on iZombie.
That horse is hilarious!
You should never stop posting Witcher 3 cosplay....ever!
Loving the fact she has Vesemir’s medallion on her waist. Just the extra touch that adds so much more heart. Great work through and through.
The lady of Worlds, indeed!
There will come a day when I stop posting awesome Witcher 3 cosplay. But it is not this day.