rufus sickbeard

Murdered? So if a pedestrian jumps in front of your car in a fit of rage and you kill them... I suppose you’d be a murderer too? Get real dude, Ward shouldn’t have exited his car on a dark, live racetrack. It’s a tragic accident that could have easily been avoided hadn’t it been for Ward’s own actions.

After 3 years, NATO has realized that Russia rehearsed nuclear attack on Sweden? I wonder how they have understood it, and why it took 3 years?

You know what really makes Seahawks fans look petulant and stupid? Referring to themselves as ‘12s’. It was nice when you were an up-and-coming team, but now it’s time to shut the fuck up with that.

It's war, you can shoot them anywhere

300,000 of them solved their problem by walking south and surrendering. These were military units well armed and retreating intact, and therefore were legitimate military targets.

She must have an amazing set of feet for her to get hired by Rex Ryan.

Yeah we should really allow some time for the families to grieve before we start thinking about artistic representations of the Titanic sinking.

I was looking for someone who’s super fun to take to a party.