rufus sickbeard

Compare Romo’s observations to Troy Aikman’s and it’s just night and day.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but god do I miss the simple days when conservative media figures just talked about lower taxes, smaller government, the liberals taking away their guns and the POTUS getting a blow job from a WH intern.

A few things are worth keeping in mind on this one. First, the Indiana AG is a notorious fame-seeker, which turned many in his own party against him. Second, and more important, the AG’s office in Indiana doesn’t have criminal prosecution authority. The Indiana AG could refer a matter to the State Police for criminal i

And if everyone does this, then Hyundai will realize that no one wants to buy the cars, and stop producing them.

Unlike with Carr’s booboo, crying would be a totally acceptable response here, but I don’t see that he did. Hope he gets a real shot at starting somewhere next year.

I had occasion to work with Florence Henderson a few times in the 1990s. She was extremely hip and funny and distractingly beautiful in person. 

The thing is, she’ll still get all of her $39 million and she’ll likely go back to Fox now that it’s “cleaned up” and get another multi million dollar contract.  Worst case, she’ll go to someplace like CNBC.

Never Forget...

Why fucking BOTHER? Let it go. Get a new show. 

“It’s not wrong, but Janet is nonetheless cast in Neil’s shadow (she listens to radio transmissions of her husband’s trip to space at home) and she is afforded no domestic equivalent to Neil’s moon walk.” 

Pocono was literally built for Indycars. What has happened is that Indycars have outgrown Pocono, unless additional safety measures are added.

As an example, add Plexiglas (or something else) overlapping panels (overlapped in traffic direction, such that if one panel is deflected, the overlap will deflect the next

I’m not really seeing any fails here. I just read a writeup on an incident where ATC played the “a bunch of other plans flew through it just fine” card, and a lot of people died when a microburst whipped up.

Pilot saw something that made him uneasy, and didn’t fly through it. ATC kept him from hitting anybody.

I majored in “videogame historical accuracy studies” and am qualified to state that it is 100% accurate.

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

if I know anything about Gaines, he’ll bounce back. He’ll put out some albums more true to his roots and marry Trisha Yearwood.

Well there is a simple answer for you.

A movie with 30 or whatever “main” characters. What could possibly go wrong.

It should be noted that this debt isn’t entirely due to digital eating into radio - private equity firms bought up iHeartRadio a decade ago and saddled it with tons of debt.