
Dealt with his laziness first and foremost. You want me to give a cogent response to “...numbers of ammo...”?

Friend. I lived in Europe for over 10 years. Trust me: those f-ers, between cups of tea and cucumber sandwiches are mean and treacherous and a bunch of ungrateful asses.

Spanish and Greek.

Thanks for the spell check. Not the first, and not the last time that a Frenchie carried the Germans’ water.

I do. And I keep my critiques of those cultures in the high 90's, IQ-wise. Reflexive European disdain for American gun culture is so shallow and cliche. It bespeaks a laziness that requires rebuke.

True story: went to see that movie 10 times, at least. Fell asleep every.damn.time.

“...numbers of ammo...”

They provide an opportunity for D-Rad to do the mythical hipster pose and brag how he sucked off five German guys during his semester in Berlin.

Wow! That escalated quickly! Who knew that “sword dorks” were so touchy????

Sword dork alert activated...

You do realize you’ve opened up a can of worms that every “sword dork” will crawl out of to discuss the infinite technical and historical details about swords, right?

Loved the Damascus steel, but he lost me with the skull motif at the end of the grip.