“decided to drop all 16 misdemeanor charges.”
“decided to drop all 16 misdemeanor charges.”
I have long assumed that strigiformes share my disdain for existence. I am gratified to see it confirmed.
I need this. My character does not express the hopelessness I like to see in my avatars.
Don't worry. When you lose all sensation and experience eternal blackness, this loss will be insignificant. Take pleasure in the fact everything you have and are will quickly be forgotten by everyone else. They will not long feel the loss you are now feeling at your death.
Death is what comes next; although there may be intermittent periods of despair before then.
My printer runs on my ennui and puts out misery. But I suppose it would be nice to have more options.
You spend hours and hours working toward a goal that will only disappoint you.
If you permanently auto delete all incoming emails, you can avoid all human interaction. It will make passing into the eternal abyss far more bearable.
Just remember when you buy this game:
What a perfect reminder that our perceived power and significance, is at best, transitory, destined to fade into eternal blackness.
I also enjoy distractions because they give a momentary respite from the crippling melancholy of knowing that life has no significance.
The best local food where I am from, Munich, is the tears of children when they realize that their life is but a brief respite from the eternal blackness.
What's the difference between people who make great art and those who don't? Nothing. They all die and are quickly forgotten.