
It might not be until next season but I certainly look forward to the Paige-kicks-somebody's-ass scene in all of our futures. She'll probably, like, meekly apologize while the victim bleeds out.

"Lost in Space" was on. So yeah, nothing. Paige, of course, is also lost in space, so it fits.

"Pull over there, asshole."

Walter Duranty and the "paper of record" assured the world that everything was fine and humming along nicely.

How much more drab could Phillip's childhood flashback be? The answer is none. None more drab.

He said he has "other plans." Just keeping his options open. Halfdan is down for the sunny places Bjorn is off to, so….I dunno, killing some more English with Ivar? Backpacking through Europe? Maybe using his skills as a pick up artist to build a shield maiden army to go back and be elaborately killed by Lagertha in

While neither side had access to translations of The Art of War, it seems like Aethelwulf shouldn't have been so bewildered by the first appearance and dispersal of the enemy on the ridge that he had his men go all Benny Hill all over creation in hot pursuit, and conversely, Bjorn should have enough experience to

It was "Earl Jorgensen." The one from the last episode who said that "it is almost tiresome" to hear of Ragnar and Lagertha's exploits and presented her with the sword she dropped when Bjorn just happened to swing by in the nick of time, before she had to kill or be killed.

A little preview of Ivar as the Viking Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla.

Aww, c'mon now; "Let's have a smile for an old engine driver."

So, like Bill?

Confirmed: Aslaug does not lactate breast milk OR venom, but uranium! Ivar will obviously dominate in future battles by employing his gamma ray eye-blasters.

After the oh, come on! swashbuckling leap intro they just went all Hagler-Hearns on each other. All Rollo needed at his return ceremony was some dark sunglasses and a big white towel around his neck.

As long as he is eventually weaned when he gets older.

Les Blank's "Burden of Dreams" documentary is better than the actual movie, "Fitzcarraldo."

Drowning his drug dealer lover aside, it's good to see Ragnar enjoying the great outdoors again; chopping wood with the other Vikings and whatnot.

If Harbard really is Odin visiting this "world" - and let's face it, how else can you explain his mad game with all the ladies? He doesn't appear to be especially wealthy or powerful, nor could he be mistaken for the James Bond of the Norse - and Floki is The Seer (in waiting), Harbard/Odin could have been letting