
I find his discomfort intensely satisfying. I’ll remember this when he gives out his “sorry to those I offended” bs apology.

It’s almost like different people have different brains and act differently to different stimuli. But yeah, I agree he does need help.

No, fuck that. Little truth time. I was savagely bullied from about 1st grade through Highschool. Small school, and it was one kid for 8 years that made every day of my life hell, but nothing ever happened to him because his daddy donated an entire fucking wing to the elementary school. I was undersized and had/have

As noted in several linked posts above and in ESPN’s reporting, numerous assaults were reported to police, only for charges not to be brought or to later be dropped. The Appling-Payne case, despite police requesting charges be brought, was dropped by a prosecutor who subsequently was hired to, yes, work in Michigan

Here is how you make this succeed:

This is what you get from fan feedback:

The XFL: Now With Completed Passes (Maybe)

It, it’s like they don’t even care to try to cover it up. I’d say I’m surprised by it but I’m not. What a pud. I really don’t know if this country would be better off with him as our President. How long until 2020?

Hahaha! Like that is going to matter. They *ARE* stupid; they’ll vote for the party of white power GOP again.

You don’t tell a lie that bad to people you respect.

Haha. And remember, he had a press contingent with him and his staff told the reporters to stay on their buses because there “might be an early departure from the game.” Meaning, he and his staff knew all along he was only flying there to waste money and time. It’s interesting that the press corps is reporting how he

A PR stunt so shitty that even the milquetoast Peter King felt comfortable firing off a critical take.

To be fair, his wife did save at least $100 in taxpayer money by not purchasing a Peyton Manning jersey from the official NFL shop.

The Jones Act is terrible. It’s a major reason that Puerto Rico is bankrupt. The island could be a major shipping and trading hub, but it’s precluded from earning a living. Then what is supposed to drive its economy? Tourism alone isn’t enough.

I served in the military during the Vietnam war, and my foot hurt too, but I served anyway.

Because NERDS, duh

Yeah, it’s totally suspicious when you respond to a call about gunshots and find people running away and ducking behind cover.

Excerpt from transcript of forthcoming CBA negotiations.

“Per agreement with the NFLPA, I am a law and order expert.” - Roger Goodell

If Goodell had any spine or brains, he’d tell them to go fuck themselves. Instead, we’ll get an investigatory panel, a commission, a report, and Bennett will get a two game suspension because reasons.