Shut it down, it’s all downhill from here.
Shut it down, it’s all downhill from here.
You really don’t trust your wife, do you?
...the best kind?
Yay, The Vandals! 20:40, in case anyone is wondering. Love that album.
The difference is that a character in a work of fiction isn’t real and can’t do lasting harm to the poor and disenfranchised people in this country.
I have no dog in this fight and, FWIW, I never really used greatswords in the game, but your logic doesn’t check out. If you were aware that Jason was being sarcastic, then you wouldn’t also think that he’s speaking for the entire playerbase...because that would be literal, rather than sarcastic.
I don’t know what that guy said, or whether I have a need for said retroencabulator, but I feel like I need that product.
I’ll echo a lot of what people are saying in this thread: it’s a phenomenal shooter with the best fundamental mechanics of any shooter I’ve ever played. I don’t mind the grind, because the grind is enjoyable enough that it’s never felt like, “well shit, now I have to do something unpleasant to try to get a piece of…
Words can’t describe how utterly fucked this list is. I wish I could mark this list up in red pen and angrily scrawl “See me after class” across the top so I could sternly look at you with disappointment clearly written on my face.
It’s not that he supports it, it’s that he’s relatively indifferent to it. Sort of like, yeah, well, Galt raped that woman, but don’t pay attention to that because it’s inconvenient for my fetishization of him. I feel like Ryan furiously masturbates watching House of Cards while Kevin Spacey does some really…
Yep, which neatly fits into the overall GOP ethos: he got his, now he’s trying to dismantle Social Security, in totality.
Everyone knows he’s got great feet. The best feet. The highest-class feet available.
I saw a poster in LA once that read, “If you tell a lie often enough, you become Breitbart”. That amused me. Although, in hindsight, now that we’ve got co-president Bannon, that’s less funny and more terror-vomit inducing.
Wait, so which are you, Hinkie or The Brain? Lord knows they’re not even close to being the same entity.
Wonk: (n.) a studious or hardworking person; an individual that takes excessive interest in minor details of political policy.
Aw, thanks, friend!
He’s an idiot’s notion of what a policy wonk sounds like. If you disassociate any intrinsic meaning that words themselves have, then he sounds brilliant, much like the entirety of the GOP. If you parse down anything they say, it becomes, “fuck you, I’ve got mine”.
Trump doesn’t even love all those named Trump. Like his daughter. No, not that one...the other one. Yeah, her!
Hey man, everyone has to eat. I doubt he’d call that the artistic pinnacle of his career, but he probably secured his retirement (and that of his children, assuming he has some) with that flick. Can’t knock pragmatism like that.
“I’m President and you’re not, you know”.