Yar, that’ll replace the whale in my nightmares!
Yar, that’ll replace the whale in my nightmares!
About a thousand times, this. My grandfather is the same way about his post-WW2 military experience, but there’s almost a mental block that keeps him from talking about anything that happened during the war. His mind is razor sharp and routinely talks about his life before and after the war, but NEVER from during. My…
OP never said Obama was all about peace, he said that Obama didn’t start the wars, which is plain fact.
So are you and OP the same person? Cause you both used the adjective “obtuse” to describe commenters that disagree with you.
There are like 50 nations on that map that aren’t highlighted, ranging as far west as Spain, as far north as the UK, as far south as Tanzania, and as far east as Nepal. You’re going to have to get more specific when the context only applies to the vast minority of nations on that map.
Best part: 170db airhorns.
Because Trump is convinced torture does work, despite all credible evidence to the contrary.
Steve Bannon looks like he gets drunk enough to poop his pants about once a month.
Steve Bannon looks like the protagonist in a Bukowski novel.
I’ve read work by 5-year olds that’s more cohesive and less meandering than this. Christ alive.
Yeah, except the premise that the greatest threat to our national security is from Muslim-majority nations (you do know that the Nation of Islam isn’t a place, right?) is fundamentally wrong. According to the military, Russia is still our #1 threat.
See, I’m convinced this happens at the dinner table and is directly squarely at Lane.
Ideally, the whole lot of them would be on board, but most particularly, Bannon, whom I’ve taken to referring to as Ganon, the villain from The Legend of Zelda. Because their names rhyme and are both beings of unadulterated evil.
Yes. The word “Libertarian” has now come to mean someone that just doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else because they’re not immediately impacted by someone else’s happiness or well-being. It’s a catch-all term for people of privilege that can’t understand that some people do not have that same privilege. Or, they…
Elin is empirically not a hoe. Which is why Tiger cheated on her. You just don’t like it that your joke was a mess.
I downloaded Dark Cloud 2 on my PS4 during the Destiny content drought of early 2016. I love the style of the game and the mini town building aspects. But, after playing Fallout 4, I had totally forgotten that autosave wasn’t a thing during the days of memory cards. So I was happily plugging along in Dark Cloud,…
Well, it’s not like HRC didn’t tell everyone.
The ambassador to Canada is still an American. Being an American means never having to say you’re sorry. Wait, never having to or never being able to?
Everyone in the White House and most of middle America? NPR referenced a poll yesterday that indicated a slight majority of Americans favored a travel ban if it made them feel safer, so a slight majority of all people polled, meant to statistically represent all of Americans.