
I want to ride my chocobo all day!

Yup, I was closing the semantic loop on your statement. Good Lumberg impression, though. Spot on.

Seriously. It’s the entire basis for...clothing. It’s why Neanderthals and even earlier proto-humans killed and skinned animals. I was going to say that whoever thought of this copy was a complete maroon, but then I realized that the real maroons are the idiots that think that, by overspending on Tom Brady (registered

While hilarious, this doesn’t strike me as a particularly egregious typo. I was once writing an email and almost sent it with the closing line, “Best retards” because the T key and G key are neighbors.

See, it’s implicit that whites denounce the crimes committed by whites, but white people need to have constant reassurance that law-abiding blacks don’t secretly support criminal behavior. All of which is just to say that there’s a metric fuck ton of racism left in this country.

Why wouldn’t people be interested in the actual unbridled filth coming from, you know, actual Americans that ostensibly have the right to vote? Trump’s election didn’t come from nowhere and to believe that the only gauge of sentiment in this country lives in the body of an edited article, rather than the visceral

I’m probably woefully underinformed about this but, uh...a teletubby peeing in Chinese food? To paraphrase DiCaprio in Django, you had my interest, but now you have my attention.

Two of my earliest gaming experiences (other than my precious NES) were playing Deja Vu and Uninvited on...some kind of Mac. Uninvited was creepy as shit in a straight up horror way, but Deja Vu was creepy in a much more realistic way. This strikes me as if those games were self-aware.

Not to mention that most of the food comes from California, as well. I love being a smug Californian living in the Midwest.

To be fair, 200 years later, we all proved them right.

Is it me or is Jason Kidd looking more and more like Pitbull these days?

He’s a college football player, I’m not sure it really matters.

My reaction to hearing stories like this is basically: good. Let those workers reap what they’ve sown. Maybe then they’ll understand that voting Republican is voting against their own economic interest.

Did anyone else hear the NPR interview with her? She’s still a GOP shill. Through and through. She’s a female Chris Wallace, claiming the mantle of real journalism and integrity while openly peddling bullshit. I hope her show tanks immediately and she realizes that she can’t exist outside of the Fox News bubble.

As a white guy, fuck this white guy.

It sounds like maybe you just want a recipe for tacos. If so, I’m happy to give you mine.

Never heard of a short position?

Because you touch yourself at night.