The Rice Thins Gown

Did the episode ever mention what Erlich hoped to accomplish by buying 50% of Code Rag?

CodeRag has a 'liveblog' from the Bachmanity Party if you're wondering how it turned out after Erlich and Big Head got on the stage.

I always thought Jared's non-threatening demeanour would make him a hit with the ladies.

But they brought back Channel 6 News to report on Bob being glued to the toilet, as Gene says "They'll finger anything with a pulse".

I wonder if the line about Rishi wanting to be black was a reference to Mindy Kaling's own brother pretending to be black so he could get into medical school.

I feel like the two points of reference you brought up (parents' occupation and hometown) don't exactly illustrate how Aziz and Mindy had different upbringings. Aziz's dad was also a doctor (gastroenterologist) and his family was probably the only Indian family in their small town in South Carolina (the town seems to

I don't know how much of Mindy Lahiri and Mindy Kaling's backstories are supposed to overlap but Kaling's parents met in Nigeria and are from completely different parts of India so English was the only common language they had between them and the only language they spoke at home. If Lahiri's parents are supposed to

I was just about to say that I'm glad Nathan For You is one of the few shows set in LA with an accurate representation of the East Asian community. I would hope that the diversity of Nathan's business owners is just a coincidence but I also think you might be onto something.

I wonder if Wentworth will continue to be referred to by her last name

Now I'm kind of upset this didn't happen

I would watch that in a heartbeat.

There was also Jaclyn from San Juan del Sur

What made that better was for was that when we're first introduced to Spencer in Cagayana he's talking about how he's on the brain tribe and how he tied for first at a chess competition. As opposed to how we don't even know if Joe likes football.

Anyone care to explain to me what they think would've happened at the revote if Cierra, Abi and Wentworth decided to each vote for a different person (Savage, Stephen, and Jeremy) with Wentworth playing her idol?

As a citizen of the Pacific Northwest, I could not be more thrilled.

Seeing the scarecrow attached to the drone is what really got me this episode. Just imagine those poor bird flying around and minding their own business when a flying scarecrow comes out of nowhere and starts chasing them.

In hindsight, there's also Nathan from the Beefsquash episode

So far for Tina's crushes/romantic interests we've got:

Maybe Dinesh's cousin due to the success of his Bro app, decides to get on the property ladder? Or Big Head with his huge corporate salary, I'm sure there's enough room there for a boat.

He probably still has the majority of shares in the business but he only has one vote so if Raviga wants to buy the company from him out right for a low-ball amount I don't think he can stop it.