Persnickety, if I came into work and shamelessly emotionally needily attached myself to the co-workers who smile and say good morning, I’d be relegated to the photocopier quicker than you can ‘say double standards’.
Sounds like the truth hurt his feelings. Tough luck.
Yes the manager get a massive fucking rant when he tries to say this, I tell him that he is more than welcome to field all the insufferable comments from this co-worker if he feels that strongly about it. This dude actually tried to explain feminism to me the other day. Tried to explain to me that what I know about…
I want to meet you!! I always get that stupid bad attitude from people when I’m not complimenting peoples cute outfits, or telling them ‘you’re SO not fat!!’ when they are complaining. I just don’t engage with it and it’s as if I am a traitor to all women.
Good for you. In the office my male colleague comes to me with his problems, his free time that he wants filled with chats, when he needs to feel important and tries to talk down to me. I never allow it and will only interact with him on a professional level. When my manager comments on this, it’s always something…
Honey, do we have a linen cupboard? *both look at the same time at the door that is never opened*
Try the junk drawer in the kitchen ;)
So long as Charlie Work still stands, I’m down with ditching all other labels.