
I know it’s easy to say “Feh, Millenials!” But it’s really heartening to see these kids do something so cool and beautiful like this.

This whole thing is incredibly complicated procedurally. For those struggling with the sequence of events here, the whole thing’s basically gone like this (on the Hawai’i v. Trump side of things).

It’s awesome to see young people getting involved in an important issue like this. I hope it’s effective.

The irony of being offended by someone else’s comments and then demanding that they not be offended. You can’t make up this level of cognitive dissonance.

And yet here you are not only reading the article, but the comments.

His panties are in a wad for correctly pointing out (before you editted) you orginally said they were Japanese?

He just loves playing the victim. It’s the only thing he’s good at.

Dude is a low life, so no surprise he’s in the sock game. The sock game is one of the most brutal industries, right up there with the drug game. A single misstep could have you wearing a toe tag.

Just a quick Germany update today:

Who among us hasn’t met with a Russian lobbyist offering dirt on our father’s political opponent as a pretext to talk about sanctions, forgotten to talk about the dirt, and then lied about it for months?

But... you still don’t know her dog.

She’s thinking, “Mein Gott, I miss seeing days ven surprise backrub vas ze vurst zing zet heppened at ze summit.”

On one of the news programs last night, a person said of Trump’s real estate business strategy that, in negotiations with other partners, he would in essence declare, “Here’s the way it’s going to work. I’m going to win and everyone else here will lose.”

I have a really smart cat, who maybe can hold hearings in my place when I’m too bored/unfocused to do my job.

America is the estranged and bitter teenager who just lectured Europe-Mom for being a drunk divorcee, slammed the car door, yelled “I’ll never be like you!”, reversed out of the driveway, and straight into a passing bus.

If Trump being unelected, unconfirmed, and unaccountable to anyone but her father was not enough to send you into a rage, remember she still owns businesses that operate in most G-20 nations.

Is there no one else is more qualified then a fake shoe designer wax doll to sit at G20 while her daddy had to tinkle because no stamina??

Look at this pathetic asshole. He’s been yanking the arms off every leader in the world but look how he treats Putin.

Coming soon to a theatre near you. Starring Rupert Grint, Tom Hiddleston as “PawPaw”, and Emma Stone as the hot immigrant Ming Su.

Ed Sheeran just barely even exists. How is he so ubiquitous? He’s the living embodiment of the word “meh.” He’s a pile of room temperature store brand instant vanilla pudding vaguely shaped into a man. If he were any more bland he’d actually be interesting scientifically. But still not, like, actually interesting.