
Putin will bring menstruating women with him into a meeting to scare Trump.

If all your good work is destroyed by something like this, it seems fair to say your work was pretty ineffective.

But look at this.

I loathe Alexa Chung in general. Clothing doesn’t make her or break her for me.

Nobody calls Arthur “Arthur the Aardvark.” That’s like saying “Madonna Ciccone.”

I’m a meme! but it’s local and only shows up on FB when it snows in Portland. And I don’t get terrorized. It’s the best. I have no idea who made it.

Well as opposed to “raised left”, she certainly was raised right! Just, not when You mean right as a synonym for correct

Needs more eagle.

I just has a wine-up-the-nose hoot, Mrs Fingerbottom.

Britney brought Britney back.

Damn. I cried a bit reading this. Reminded me of the shit I went through(still going through) with the person I still believe is the love of my life. Met him 20 yrs ago at work when I was 16, he was 26, began dating at 17/27.

Even queens of female empowerment can have shitty personal lives. I’d even wager that *most* of them do. Being a role model isn’t about being perfect. I’d don’t think anyone should glamorize Bey’s marriage, but I don’t think that should stop anyone from admiring her for the command she has in her career.

or he just wants to show his respect for the hugely talented wife of the man he considered his big brother, but it comes out kanye-style and people can’t handle it.

Well in this timeline, the joker is basically the president. No need to crash a party full of your supporters and people pretending to hate you!

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Just goes to show that it’s all bs. Politics is nothing but interactive theater.

Who among us hasn’t ended up at the same party as a Koch brother and awful person Kushner?

As my judgment has been blessed, I’m going to say that it would be next to impossible for Mika to shade Trump for the foreseeable future because anything that could possibly be viewed as referring to him would be too obvious and therefore not shade. I believe Kara has previously opined that Trump can no longer be

IElvis for permanent juror on shade court!