
james cameron is a god,,,and the trailer wasn’t uncomfortable at all, lol but ok kotaku.

thats funny Kotaku you guys really are a liberal 2 face website lol? I was there in person and trumps transistion to be presient had the largest group of people there in history. LIterally about 100,000 more people then what obama had. Yes more people showed up for trump then obama,,,KEEP REPORTING fake news. Doesn’t

Kotaku anything you try to say about donald and our military,,,,obama has already done the worst. It is public fact and a passed bill,,,so this isn’t just some nerd on internet raging. Obama took 100s of billions out of our military defense his first year in office. He signiicantly reduced our military power. What do

these liberals on Kotaku post porn of hulk hogan,,,what good did that do you? You only ended up paying over 100 million to Republican like hulk hogan. Lol you sure did put ur own foot in ur mouth kotaku kek kek kek kek kek

nothing but liberal losers crying lol kek. Yo liberals how did that obama care work out? i mean they’ve only kicked off millions of people already lol, and premiums went up by 800 bucks for everyone. Weren’t you naive for believing obama? Lets see he said * you can keep ur doctor, You’re premiums won’t go up,,,and he

this game is super boring :D

Kotaku i don’t know if you are trying to play nice or what. Here is the short and simple. Final Trash 15 sold bad cause it is Trash and dumb to smoke lol. The worst final fantasy in the history of all universe’s out there with the name final fantasy attached to it. Honestly no one cares about a group of 4 emo boys

Yes donald is president Kreygasm

Lol you’re in denial. Everything i said is true. Small list of facts since you won’t reply to anything i said. Blizzard is lazy, 2 wow expansions have shipped. Overwatched has shipped, hearth stone expansions shipped and heros of the storm constantly getting content. D3 hasn’t gotten nothing in years. What about when

Are you some kind of stoner? Bro if you are a blizzard fan then you will agree with what im about to say. D3 doesn’t get content. If a game doesn’t have subscriptions or micro transactions blizzard doesn’t care about it. 2 WoW expansions have been announced and released since reaper came out. Overwatch launched and

Kinn i’ve seen you’re bullshit recently and i must comment. If you are a normal human being who knows anything about blizzard and their history of gaming, you will find i tell the truth. Blizzard use to love to make games but since they got a hold of the world of warcraft money. They no longer support their games and

i think everyone forgets, almost everyone related to hillary mysteriously dies all the time. Dozens of people who were about to expose or have an interview with hillary,,,died that morning of the interview or press release. If you dont know what im talking about look it up online. Hillary is a crook and a criminal and

well they aren’t conspiracyist. Obama did try to take our guns his first term so ya i agree with the mma fighters. This is america ok, i like to play games, have freedom and i love guns.

honestly who cares, its the worlds most popular moba. It’s the same as hacking and selling wow accounts. Does it hurt anyone no it doesn’t cause blizzard makes a billion a year off world of warcraft. Hacking a video game doesn’t hurt anyone. Trust me i know for a fact. My buddy tom works for valve, and the way they

don’t know if you’re kiding but, there are worst murders and most of the time people over the age of 18 only get like 15-25 years. 40 is alittle extreme. Pretty much a death sentance.

incarceration lol...she did kill a guy. I mean i don’t think it should be 40 years. 40 years is a long time, + she was 16. I think she should get like 15 or something. It’s lame people over the age of 18 do worst killings like shooting people multiple times and murdering with real hate and evil, and there lawyer

not all apartments do tho

ok bro what are you smoking the devils lettuce? It’s people like you, that made elder scrolls online come to the world. That game is bad and co op is bad in these types of games. These games are only good cause they are single player.

I loved skyrim and honestly so did the mass amount of people. I just think you might not be to impressed by immersive games or worlds. You migth be a socialpath lolz kidding,,or am i !

Can’t wait for this game tho Kreygasm.