Werewolf Jones

‘Didn’t a bunch of nerds put this together? What is wrong with them?’

You know what else follows laws of attraction?

That upset you? How does that sentence not put a smile on your face? You do realize a rapping clown said it right? Can’t you see the work? The Secret is the perfect book for a rapping clown to live by. Thank God for ICP. They make life worth living. Only a truly brilliant demented mind could think about being a

The quoted song does have an admittedly funny moment in “He’ll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four”, followed by them arguing over how stupid that line is. The song as a whole is grating and repetitive (shocking, innit?), but I did always like that bit.

“You know what The Secret is? Laws of attraction and all that? We were fully putting that energy out as kids. Fully. And it was just destiny.”


The Juggalos are like the Wildings in our current real-life GOT scenario.

HaHa, he sees pee.

You’re angry at the few Bernie supporters, but not the Republicans who voted for Trump? Not the DNC for not driving support to other democratic candidates on the ballot for house or senate races?

Bernie forced her supporters to claim that Obama wasn’t American in 2008 which Trump then used as the basis of his political career!

Additionally I love how this boils down to her being mad that she had to actually run a bit of a primary race instead of just being handed the nom which Clinton felt was her right somehow.

That entire passage is absolute bollocks. You can’t name a time Clinton changed her position because of her financial backing from banks because she already had the fucking policy positions they wanted. Why would she need to change?

Ah ha, it was Bernie’s fault. Stupid Sanders started calling Hillary Clinton crooked. Otherwise Trump probably would have spent months talking about her in measured tones, mentioning the nuanced way she was forced to balance the interests of her constituents with the realities of financing a campaign. He basically

Honestly, I think “Emperor” is a fine name for David Lynch.

Are people really that happy about having a show we waited decades for to return basically ignoring any dangling plot resolutions about its characters, and perhaps erasing the entire show?