Exact same scenario with me. Bootloader unlocked but not rooted. I tried method #2 but I’m still getting only Now On Tap. I checked the build.prop and it still has the changes, but Settings -> about still says Nexus 6p as well.
Exact same scenario with me. Bootloader unlocked but not rooted. I tried method #2 but I’m still getting only Now On Tap. I checked the build.prop and it still has the changes, but Settings -> about still says Nexus 6p as well.
Did you uninstall the Google app? And if so, how if you’re not rooted?
Are you rooted? I have had no luck with method #2. Unlocked bootloader unrooted on NBD90X. Installed the files, checked my build.prop after rebooting and it still has the changes, but my model in Settings->About still says Nexus6p
I did method #2 and Android Pay still works for me. It didn’t erase any data. If you don’t have a custom recovery you’ll need to unlock your bootloader which will wipe your data.