
Oh yes, him too. For the first time, Bran was actually the highlight of a book for me.

They're probably going to cut books 4 and 5 into a single season, and throw in one of the battles in TWOW as a climax.

Same. Tyrion should have had like 3 chapters. Dany and Jon only really needed 4 or 5. You could cut Quentyn entirely and miss nothing. Davos had two great chapters, but his first two were pointless. The amount of filler is astounding. The only POV that didn't seem chock full of filler to me in ADWD, was Theon's and

I don't think that would work. They've already been told the ending. Not only would they have to write their own ending, they would have to actively avoid the ending they've already been told! It would be a nightmare for them.

His family probably have Brandon Sanderson on speed dial.

Game of Thrones is HBOs most popular show since the Sopranos, I doubt True Detective is more popular.

Well, as Jezebel is a purportedly journalistic entity that is attempting to take the moral and intellectual high ground, I expected at least a little more than funny animated images of Oprah. It's childish, and exposes them as little more than trolls.

Looks like Jezebel has had a predictably classy response. The headline?

But, did he learn from BSG and Lost too?

You mean there are articles attached to those headlines? Who knew!

That sounds like fascist talk to me…

His AVClub review of Game of Thrones' "Blackwater" is god awful. That was the last straw, even though I've always found him obnoxious.

B-but, 8.8 BNM!!!

I thought people liked Todd around here

Christ. Calm the fuck down.

Sprout has more like 1 song to every 3 Pollard songs, not exactly overwhelming.

Yeah, Waking up the Stars, Starfire, They and Them and The Sudden Death of Epstein Ways are pretty cheesy bad. I've liked maybe 70% of his songs lately though.

I can't decide which is worse, Zwan or Zeitgeist

Build a Bigger Iceberg is great, haven't listened to the others yet. Thanks

Class Clown > Bears for Lunch > Motivational Jumpsuit > Let's Go Eat the Factory > English Little League