
Heartily disagree. I'm 3 episodes in so far and finding this the most exciting, genuine thing Baz Luhrman has given the world since Strictly Ballroom. It's theatrical, it's over the top, it's exotic in all the right ways. Nothing is 'realistic', it's all larger than life. It's 'the warriors' meets 'Saturday night


Oh holy crap you're one of them, mother of god. All is lost!

Look around the place, as per always Tumblr is going apeshit (as always), there's threads on Reddit already by the sjw's. Bloody idiotic.

Oh noooooo nudity!

Hey as an Australian, we're disgusted in general that our government and media are being such cockheads. A small, minor incident that could've been dealt with quietly and by simply saying 'Hey can we take your dogs for a day or two to make sure they're pest free?' Has turned into a full blown international circus