
The HomeDepot has a really good program for this kind of thing. You can sign up for a line of credit. If approved, you have 6 months to make your purchases against that line of credit, and then the bills come due. When we were looking into it, it was only an 8% APR, which is way cheaper than a credit card, and for

Look. If you're an American who doesn't think the police treating peaceful protests in Ferguson with the level of invading a hostile enemy city is over reacting, I just don't know what to say to you. Obviously, you're an idiot.

Yeah I think they sell them at Dumb Starbucks

Nobody puts drunk, shirtless guy in the corner.


Bell Biv DeBlount

The smell of a lit Blount rang the alarm Bell for the cop.

Now playing

"Virginia's appear" made me laugh because I immediately thought of this:


No word yet on how they plan to resolve the tanking of the league itself.

Strange name, that "Gofuh Kyorself".

Gee, I wonder where his son learned to be a colossal douchnozzle...

My British friend and Canadian friend were watching the Browns-Redskins game with me last week (sounds like the set-up for a joke).

Brit: Who's playing?
Me: Cleveland Browns and Washington Redskins. The main narrative here is that John-
Brit: Wait, the who?!
Me: Washington Redskins.
Brit: Like... Native American.

My favorite part is that this project (which is great) has fewer rules than Gawker's how-to-comment-screed.

That's... like the best idea I've ever heard about this series.