

Ha, just saw this one. I need to tighten up my game.

Could be worse. They could have written "GAP PENETRATION" on the wall instead.

Well, the whole game seemed to be collecting information so this doesn't surprise me. And the heck with AC: Multiplayer, it was really boring and lazily thought out.

I remember when this was featured on CBS's Sunday Morning show and they had Bill Koch talking about how he'd been victimized.

"Keep smiling, this is going to pay for our vacation houses and Wesley's backtaxes."

Holy crap, it's like Theismann is a shill or something.

It was that and the Steveo on meth video that kind of soured me on him.


Enh, kids can be kids but it sounds like the mom was out of line as well.

At least he didn't set her tits on fire. Baby steps, people.

Hello, cousin.

Albert, be kind to my state. Alberrtt. Alllllbeerrrrrrttttt!

No, but the kids are both under 3 years old, so that's a given.

Do you ever long for the days when The Ultimate Fighter was on Spike so you could incorporate a crossover between food and fighting?

Nope. I stopped as soon as I got to the Who Gives A Fuck Where Waldo Is picture and called it a day.