I agree with your coconut.
For the most part I back up photos (documents, I still store in a filing cabinet) and I use Google + to back up directly from my phone. Then I transfer the photo files from my phone to a Seagate HD, as well as making copies on my computer.
Remember that scene in The Unit when Jonas walks in on his nephew beating up his own wife and then wallops the shit out of the nephew and makes him feel like the piece of shit he is? That's what needs to happen here.
"And the demon apparently is the son of a Nigerian King and needs money, or so the emails tell me."
Enh, her point is a bit different. Smith said "don't provoke," which is stupid; Whoopi said "don't hit," which is valid. Unless you've already been hit (or suspect you're about to be) there's no reason to hit someone. Of course, this should be a basic behavior principle for everyone. She didn't need to add the bit…
Does H. Jon Benjamin have a fear of ants?
It would be called
Well, in the late 80s he brought back a 70s sound, so I guess this should have been expected?
This episode of How I Met Your Mother is horrible.
Literally had never heard of this guy until I read this article.
"the commissioner elicits a number of perspectives."
And if they ever do get paid then they have to turn over a portion of the money to their Qatari sponsors, who have their passports.
I had it on tap first and tried it again in a bottle and didn't like it either time. I get what you're saying though.
Still a better thought process than what went into Crossbones.
Like someone else pointed out: Will covered it with "Your local brewery's flagship."
There's a fine line between "take available precautions" and "don't provoke your own beating." I agree that if he hadn't used the word "provoke" this may not have become such a lightning rod for debate.
Before it was available here (WI) I was able to travel out to Idaho in 2008 for some training. While I was there, I tried Fat Tire because, like you said, it was something everyone wanted in my area due to the non-existent distribution. I was not impressed.