
I totally forgot about your comment. I came across it just now and laughed to myself. I can reply really fast right now though. I’m curious to know if you’ve made any progress intellectually since your post years ago.

I was not making any assumptions about anyone. Exactly my point is to not make assumptions on a

Nahhh, you contributed your advice in a shamey kind of way. Kind of in a pointing fingers, “Maybe it’s you!” I think there’s a double standard here too. If it was a nice committed wife whose husband starting boning women for money, you and many folks would say “dump his ass!” but since this is a guy who’s having these

I started getting disilussioned by humanity since I worked at the mall when I was 18. Seriously. The stupid ridiculous stuff people would do, and how nasty and underhanded guys AND gals were. The guys were meatheaded duplicitous womanizers, and some of the women were duplicitous cheaters as well. Getting into the job

In the age of multimedia and social media and all that comes with it. Sometimes celebrities have their vulnerable moments shown to everyone. He had his moment. Allow him that time. He’s only human. We all have bugged out. He’s not a robot. Let him be. People can be such assholes man.

Give me a fucking break. Stupid ass video.

Hello! He’s a writer! That’s what writers do— they write! So, how do you know that he’s not taking steps to get himself right? Are you with him 24/7?? It’s super judgmental of you to just presume that he’s not doing a thing because he’s writing about the problem. He’s giving an introspection and he’s documenting the

I’m all for having more representation in movies for people of color— not just representation, but roles without stereotypes. More realistic, honorable representations on film.

That being said, people should give this movie a chance. It’s really unfair to Zoe that there are so many people attacking HER. She seems like

So what you’re talking about is in Japanese culture. It’s a safe bet that you’re speaking to people here that are not Japanese in this comments section. So, playing dumb and trying to act like he means it in a way that’s relevant to Japanese society is just silly.

“Like Finn” is not another way of tap dancing around

One of funniest posts of the day! Classic!!!!

Love this! Awesome!

Even this conversation is lacking “color”. What they mean by “color” is dark complexion. Do they ever have people in any of their cartoons that are of dark complexions like Fin? Isn’t it obvious what the person was asking in the first place? Why tap dance around it? The person wasn’t asking about non-Japanese