Powders: Arrowroot or baking soda.
Powders: Arrowroot or baking soda.
Or, you could bake the ham in a Dutch oven with a bit of water & apple juice.
Why are flu shots free whilst everything else is not? Hmmmm.....
Doctors are puppets of big pharma.
Do you know how vaccines work? Didn't think so.
The flu mutates each time so getting the shot is as useless as outdated antivirus definitions on your computer. Better off eating well & taking care of yourself. Garlic & onion work wonders.
I’ll take my chiropractor any ol’ day of the week vs. conventional doctors. The author here knoweth nothing!
Smoke it. ‘Nuff said.
Voting should require a series of questions you must be able to answer correctly.
Ever notice how everything on paper sounds good until it’s enacted?
And hackable.
And look what good all those popular votes did for Hillary last year. Vote with your wallet. The only vote that matters anymore.
Build a PVR.