
No such luck.

Does her contract include live performances? Not sure why it would. Maybe she should do that instead until the contracts up?

Did this article fall through a crack in time and end up coming out a year later?

There’s always one. Have you ever been to a convention? I think not. Poor, poor, priviliged white stinking males :(

“I wanna see how long i can keep this ridiculousness going”-

With the NX’s library output set to be double that of the WiiU according to rumours, hopefully something will come along soon.

You made a dumb and completely unfounded statement (trollpost, really). Those cause arguments.

“LOL I have just as much right to speculate as you do”- No one’s talking about ‘rights’, take your free speech tirade elsewhere, Also it’s spelt *whether, hun. Maybe you don’t actually have the right, if you can’t even spell.

Depends on if you’re a complete prat or not. There is NOTHING to wring out of these figures. They’re just super cool, if not as cool as the bowing figures from last year. Let’s move on from that.

Then don’t post if you don’t care. Thanks.

Completely unwarranted and idiotic Gamergate post, what are the odds.

‘Probably’? There’s no proof to back up what you’re saying, whereas he has made a statement claiming he resigned. End of.

You have no proof of any of that.

Christ how do they go about justifying that price?

Apparently not; from the wiki; “ Bungie employees later explained the Halo DS demo was in fact an unsolicited pitch that was never taken on.”-

You have no proof that it wasn’t his choice. Whereas, he himself said that he chose to resign, ergo, that’s all the evidence we have. Also you can’t spell *guarantee for shit. Maybe less games, more spelling study.