
You have no proof suggesting otherwise.

Out of a job? He resigned. Twas his choice.

In fact the ‘hive’ opinion IS that suicide is selfish, whereas in fact its a whole lot more complicated than that. Bad post.

I would say that is accurate :)

Looks about as interesting as Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime was fairly slow paced too. What would’ve been truly uninspired is another Metroid Prime.

I see the IGN logo, but also know that they’re probably playing the Homebrew Halo... are IGN known for lying for clicks?

I’ve never tried it. Hence the ‘seems like’. Also what would the crappy visuals have anything to do with being able to build a functional craft?

Game looks fine. Like an old school halo. And it’s an interesting fleshing out of the universe. But no one whines like Metroid fans.

Seems like a game for tweens, what with the humour/character design. Games like this can have universal appeal, but the visual are also dogshit IMO.

... where were you for Ocarina of Time 3DS? Games awesome.

And yet this quite important detail didn’t make it into the review... all I got from the review was SAME, BORING. Thanks Marusame, that was helpful... I’m currently looking for a capture device and can’t seem to decide between HD60 internal, the new HD60 external, or this.

Actually it’s you that suffers from that. Gamergate HAS gone largely unaddressed for the last two years. Deal with it, I guess?


“Meanwhile, St. John has doubled down.”-

One 8 minute segment is something ‘concentrated’? By concentrated, I mean y’know, something like the response ISIS has gotten. The fact remains, no matter how much you’ll deny it. The games industry and society at large really hasn’t payed this new hate group much notice at all.

“As long as keep giving them attention, especially in the media, they’ll continue to exist and you’ll only get stronger. Deal with it.”

Knowledge of Kinja does not equal knowledge of the law; the latter of which you lack even a remedial knowledge of. You’re the one who claims “Who gives a shit about gamergate, I certainly don’t or anything else to do with gaming or gamers”, and yet is on kotaku, talking about a case that directly involves Gamergate,

Nope it doesn’t work, there was a whole string of code after the code for that particular tweet that I had to delete, you complete buffoon.

Yes you did mention escorting, you just edited your posts. So, time for the block button. Bye Gamergate tween! :)

Never mind, I worked it out (you can’t even link right?) and saw the tweet you’re referring to.