
“Here’s one for you, straight out of your book, please provide proof”- Oh that’s not my playbook, that’s the Gamergate playbook. Also I’m not required to prove anything to you. I’m still waiting for a working link where she explicitly admits to escorting...

Try giving me a working link first fucktard.

“I’ll do no such thing”- because you can’t, because she didn’t. No such tweets exist. I follow her on twitter and have done so since this campaign of harassment began. So you’ve just added to your libellous claims. She is only commenting through tweets; that’s how I know to refer to them as tweets.

Please provide the tweets where Rapp explicitly admits to escorting. And I mean an explicit confession, or you’ve just added to you libellous comments.

No; there was a mess because Gamergate exists. End of.

“that is why I had to make assumptions”- You spelled “I chose to make completely self-inserted assumptions because I’m a troll” wrong.

Firstly, no, she was fired because of a massive wave of online harassment hit every Nintendo inbox and Twitter account. Stop trying to rewrite history. Be a man and own up to the actions of Gamergate, GG sycophant.

At anything under 40" (maybe even 32", I’ve not had a chance to test) 4K is purely e-peen. Definitely overkill at 27" and under.

At anything under 40" (maybe even 32", I’ve not had a chance to test) 4K is purely e-peen. Definitely overkill at

“Assuming that, which I think is reasonable, it seems like you want robots to not be made in the female form at all, which is certainly sexist.”-

Good job ignoring the fact that it was programmed to be submissive, and that it was designed to appear female.

Unfortunately not. Worse story, new units aren’t great and aren’t visually similar to the rest of the universe, worse gameplay (constant timers on missions), extremely buggy, extremely unbalanced. Pick this one up in a humble bundle. If you haven’t played its predecessor, that’s fantastic.


These dudes need to start doing these stunts with 360 degree recording equipment on their heads. It is the year of VR after all.

The W.I.P. shots are by far the most superior. 3D Printing man, those props are tight.

“There’s just one major problem, which might actually be insurmountable: Affleck is playing a Batman at the end of his career”-

Kojima is not blameless in the travesty that was MGSV, by his own admission. He has frequently spoken about missing milestones,and about paying hundreds of thousands for music that he went on to not use at all. Kojima is a visionary, but a mediocre manager.

Is this a report? Could swear I’ve read this story before.

“E-readers get a bad rap—probably because there are a lot of illiterate assholes out there who hate reading.”

Vita? jesus that things been dead a while now...

*again, no proof at all that this unit will fail; in fact it sold out in minutes.