
$0 DRM release with controller support would be A+++++ then?

*not in any way true, at all.

Slow news day guys? Like, supremely slow?

*One black dude in the whole stadium

Let’s break it down far simpler than that article did.

I believe that’s called save scumming.

Yeah I suspect they’re pulling a Severus Snape with Kylo Ren’s character. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was him that hid Rey on Jakku.

Not sure how the article suggests a need for piracy (which is what that ‘comic’ is really advocating, not ‘remembering’. The hardware and software is still perfectly accessible.

Oh I see; we have a troll.

“It could be argued that if a movie requires you to read the source material to understand what’s going on, then it’s not a good movie.”-

I don’t think you understand what ageist means. It infers being prejudiced towards someone because they’re old. No one did that. I never remarked on anything else, and this-

They can’t describe why they think a decent movie is bad, because it’s not. They can though, go through it with a pedantically fine tooth comb that many beloved films wouldn’t stand up to, because they made their mind up to hate this film months ago.

The Walking Dead shit the bed sometime in its first season. Not sure how people are still watching it. I find it hard watching shows were characters make the stupidest most unrealistic choices imaginable.

Again, ‘a couple of examples’ is very vague. There is a singular poor motivation in the movie, and that’s Bats’ ‘mommy?’ turnaround at the end. Maybe that gets rectified with the director’s cut, which would explain the hiring of such a major actress for such an apparently small role.

Ageism? What are you on about? And I VERY much doubt you’re older... but what is this, a goddamn childrens playground?

No my eyes weren’t closed. What forum thread ripping into the movie because its fashionable to do so and further colouring people’s perception of the movie did you get that list from bro?

Nothing wrong with Wayne’s motivations until ‘our momma’s got the same name’; that was daft but in no way invalidates the whole movie.

I’m going to take it that English is not your first language...

“Anecdotal evidence is all we have. <— emphasize that period. your youtube proof is anecdotal, what people write is anecdotal, it is all anecdotal until we get real life numbers.”- More cop-out...

Then the bad guy wouldn’t have been Doomsday. Doomsday is literally that; the bad guy who brought down Superman. He’s a one note character. He has nothing more to offer.