
Well, and they are only rabid liberals on issues they deem “important,” and that does not include emphasizing issues affecting women. When Bernie went after Planned Parenthood and his supporters started calling 50% + of the population “niche voters” “playing the gender card,” he kind of lost me. Maybe I’m just old and

WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH BEING THE SYSTEM, I ASK YOU. I would prefer the country to NOT crash and burn, thank you.

Good. I’m a mid-senior level admin (5 years experience) at a Fortune 100 company and recently learned that an entry-level (just graduated a month ago) male admin is making the same amount as me.

They’re not actual progressives. They’re treating politics like a sports game. They’ve picked their team, and they don’t particularly give a shit who’s doing a better job and what’s fair as much as they just want a win for their team.

I work in public policy and have professional degrees, but I just don’t have the passion or smarts to understand why Bernie is our infallible savior and Hillary is a fascist feminazi. I have unfollowed Bernie supporters and stay away from the blogs and websites of his supporters. It’s frustrating because I want to

One star = 1 prayer

It must be hard to consider yourself liberal and progressive and just hate women with every molecule of your being. That must be a real challenge during election season. We should pray for them.