wendy summers

The R5-D4 story to which you refer appeared in Dark Horse's Star Wars Tales, and took the whole midichlorian thing to its logical, hilarious conclusion, i.e. there were midis in the oil used for the droid, thus giving it the precog powers of a Jedi.

That's the problem with mean vs. median. Super super rich people will drive that average waaaaaaaaaaay up.

Want to save money AND eat better tasting, healthier food?

In Adam Warren's Empowered, the superhuman team "Superhomeys" is almost entirely comprised of supers who received their powers via STD.

Still not official! BBC News is separate to BBC Worldwide, it's still just another news site reporting the same story without any sources.

"J.J. Abrams doesn't need anyone to tell him the prequels suck"

Reminds me of a different part of morning routine.

Yes fitness facilities need lots of disabled parking. Many of them have physiotherapy clinics in them, and even those that don't have plenty of disabled clients who are going to that gym to do their rehab exercise. Source: I've worked in the industry for over a decade. Furthermore, you should not be offended at having

Now, the Babylonians — those were people who knew how to get nice and Hammurabi'd.

Look carefully: When Congress is in session the vegetative conditions in the Washington DC area appear very dark green.

As someone who works in supply chain, I think this is fantastic. The costs of the machinery would likely easily be offset by no longer needing to spend on printing and sticking on little labels that don't always stay on.

I think the real problem is Wonder Woman as Amazon, an physical embodiment of girl power, has supplanted the real origin of Wonder Woman. She was creation of a dark time on the world stage (the rise of Nazis); Like Superman, her journey to the world was about bringing hope and light. Look at the early adventures

I think it had more to do with my age, instead of my height, honestly. I would have to ask my mom, because I only remember so much. But I remember exactly what I weighed, because I was told that "kids my age are supposed to be about 70 - 80 lbs" NO JOKE.

It wasn't an argument, it was just incorrect.

Why would you EVER ask for a number?

Wasn't this the backstory of the Fantastic Four?

Come to think of it, Clark was raised a country bumpkin, so by all rights he should have a country accent.

The first sci-fi show I ever watched still holds a special place in my heart (I also had a crush on Jerry O'Connell):

Fred Savage: Grampa, grampa, waitaminute.

step 1 - get a 500K loan (mortage maybe?)