wendy summers

I've been on the scrunchie bandwagon for 2 years now - I'm proving once again: I'm fashion forward and proud of my poor taste!

Why the hell would I want vertical video? It's bad enough cell phone users do it - you want dslr video makers to do it too?

While I do not want to be treated like a child, it's important to note: I'd be ok with anything which lets me press my lips against Alicia Silverstone's.

I applaud her initiative and I'm certain that by the end she did have a point to make (which she made quite well). But knowing what I know from spending time with 11 year-olds, I have to suspect this quest was originally prompted by the desire to go to McDonald's on a regular basis.

I think I'm officially a bad person for noting there's a tasteless joke hidden in your comment.

Any chance Lifehacker After Hours is part of this? Quite frankly the Anal sex article was rather sad and made me realize you really could use a professional sex educator. My first proposed article: Shop at Home Depot for Sex Toys: Find the Right Tool to DO the Job ;).


Aren't 2nd hand rings bad luck? The person who owned it was either dead or divorced.

I'm seriously looking at buying for the first time in years because I can buy a place with a substantially lower monthly mortgage payment than my rent. On that basis alone it makes sense.


Meh — it's woefully incomplete in my area... several of the major apartment complexes are missing.

A car as nice as the house? In my experience people overbuy on houses too.

$4,200 doesn't buy a reliable automobile?

Yeah, I don't get the author's bum rap on Monster High — they do have bellies and the general play theme is about being true to who you are and to celebrate being different.

That is NOT the case which proponents if the law used to force this law upon the Industry... their claim was this is a work-safety issue.

That and knowledge of array formulas can get you laid.

No offense, but I just hired a new position here and your list of specifics would classify you as another "Joe" with office. I personally wouldn't include those on a resume.

I'm not judging, but I have to point out that Spam is one of the worst things a person can eat and supports the view that poor people eat poorly.

I disagree that cooking needs to take 30-60 minutes.

Google "Jill Sobule Ritalin Kid" — you'll thank me.