wendy scola

no, it was not a Freudian slip, i'm here at work trying to do two things at the same time. I do not think that all Muslims are terrorists. My point is that it may be hard to distinguish who is here with good intentions and who does not. Not all american born people are not assholes just like not all Muslims are

You know what, American born people are not assholes and I am not a bigot. Some terrorist Muslims are dangerous. I never said that immigrants are the source of all my problems? I get a free pass because I was born here and my relatives have been here 200 years and this is my country. And because I vocalize a concern

Tell me this, Should we have no limits on the people that come into this country? The whole world should come here and live? Even if we don't have the resource or room for them that is ok? Even if we have had terrorist attacks because it's hard to check everyone? We should not practice limits or boundaries? Do

There are no Black and White people, there are good and bad people. Bad people are the ones who over power and take advantage of others. Bad people think they can do to others and they hold entitlement and privileges while others don't. Good people learn to get along and share and respect.

Go back to sleep Garry.

So what you are saying is,,,,,,,that I am out of touch with reality and I have problems. All the immigrants from Mexico and Middle east are very Americanized, they all speak perfect English and that they travel with all their own money. They don't need our help, they are helping Americans by coming here. We

i wanted to share my point of view because I don't get it, why everyone has a problem with this ban. What gets me is I realize my relatives came from another country to be here. They served in ww1and ww2 and revolutionary war. They had farms and businesses helped set up laws and homes and families for the bast 120