
s/o to jenny slate for the master of all rebounds, literal captain america.

Don’t care for taylor and tom, but i fully support jenny and chris!

I feel like we need to talk about that cap Chris Evans is wearing. Did he lose a bet? Does he get a free bowl of soup with it?

Jesus Christ. So he beats the hell out of her, chokes her, runs around looking for a gun, blames it on his drinking, and comes away with no record? Am I missing something here? This shit has to stop.

Non-fatal strangulation is a major risk factor for homicide of women. It increases the odds of being a homicide victim seven-fold. I wonder what evidence exists to demonstrate the success of this six month batterers program at reducing domestic violence...

In no other crime, would that defense work. No one says, "he wanted me to mug him at knifepoint because he had Batman fantasies." Yet, somehow, they always get away with it in rape trials.

I’m sick of so much focus being on the rapist. Women have been raped and denied any sort of justice since forever. It’s CRAZY that women are being violated this way and truly aren’t even an afterthought.

My abuser is Mexican and still is not in prison so minorities too get away with crimes against women.

Yeah I actually knew someone who was arrested with a joint in his pocket. The original arrest was a minor non-violent offense resulting in only fines. Having the joint in his pocket when he got to jail was a felony apparently (on top of just possession which was a misdemeanor), and he got like 10 years probation I

Oh, I’m sure black dudes get significantly more time than this for “resisting arrest” when there’s no actual reason they were being arrested in the first place.

“Man who smells a little bit like weed after leaving a Dirty Heads concert gets life in prison without possibility of parole.”

Rape a woman? 3 months jail. Hack into a media conglomorate to change their front page? 25 years prison.

Oh, well, shit, if it’s going to ruin his life, then why not have him convicted of rape anyway?

He beat her vulva and/or vagina with his penis and/or something else. I’m forever unnerved how many rapes involves men sticking painfully large objects into women’s and children’s orifices and then giggling about it on tape. As we’ve seen in the case of that Riverside CA sheriff’s kid, having caught the rapists doing

Whoa a whole YEAR without raping a woman?

Maybe the prosecutor is a pessimist? Rape remains one of the few crimes where the victim is still blamed and questioned for her intentions.

I’m not defending the prosecutor, I swear, but I’m guessing that rape would have been difficult to prove. So it was either plea him to some other crime or risk him walking free.


IU Grad here. My friends have been going APESHIT about this on facebook. Several still live in the area and pay taxes. It’s really screwed up. Sadly, I work for corrections in another state and can verify it’s not unusual - even here. So not acceptable though. NOT AT ALL.

It’s SO SO sick. What is worse is the townie

This will help embolden future rapists. The courts in America have made it quite clear that rape is generally acceptable and the lives of women do not matter.