Meet Steven Bradbury. The luckiest guy in the history of history. Got through the quarters and semis because skaters fell. And then this happened in the final.
Meet Steven Bradbury. The luckiest guy in the history of history. Got through the quarters and semis because skaters fell. And then this happened in the final.
I know, right? I wanna' look classy while I'm laying around the house drinking cheap wine and marathon watching Downton Abbey.
These are all really beautiful. And I don't like high fashion at all.
"But for readers? It's hard to see the downside."
Hee! As soon as my little sister and I were old enough to remember things like numbers and birthdays, my dad DRILLED his wedding anniversary into our heads, because he had a terrible time remembering it. Specifically, he could never remember if he got married at 4pm on August 5, or 5pm on August 4. We thought it was…
Ugh. Thewickedboyfriend and I don't do anniversaries because,'s not really our thing. We aknowlege the date and we're like "hey, another year together, cool!" *fistbump*, but nothing else.
My significant other and I do our anniversary in sort of the vaguest ways ever (last year we bought ourselves a tv around the time ish of our anniversary). However, his sister is like 'OMG< MONTH ANNIVERSARIES OMG' and we were making fun of her about it. My SO did the math and found out that it was 125th month…
Happy anniversary.
I only remember because it's the LAST day in August. If we hit September, well... NBD.
riiiiight, totally coincidental, and not at emblematic of our favored past time. *cough* ;)
I only remember my wedding date cause its 4/20....ahem..for a reason.
My boyfriend and I can't remember our anniversary either. It's the twenty-something of either June or July, I know that much.
One of my former girlfriends always used to say "I love him, he's so dainty!"
You are a gem.
I wonder if one could use it to their advantage. I'm thinking something like using all that extra skin like a flying squirrel.
He's favored to win? He doesn't even want to perform! His casual mention of his "back injury" was sewing the seeds so he could drop out. I don't expect to see him go for it on Thursday.
IKR, I want all those people to stop shaking him! DON'T HURT HIM!
i'm picturing a sodastream machine shaped like a skinny girl, where the soda streams from her #thighgap.
aw, your warm and soft breasts on his back! *must use this in a story* :3
I love that story! And I should have kept my outfit like you did. When I met Mr. Chortcake, I was wearing blue velvet bell bottoms (from a bazaar in Turkey), a red t-shirt that said "power girl" in Finnish, and a pink fake leather studded belt. I got rid of all three items (the first two because they shrank in the…