Um, I live in Nebraska and want one of those. Because rivers.
Um, I live in Nebraska and want one of those. Because rivers.
These things have a real use if you live in someplace like South Florida where cars are going into canals all the time, but you just have to wonder how you're going to find it in a car that's maybe upended and sinking...?
My mom got me one of those! I tell you, the temptation to use that weird pointy little hammer to break some glass is overpowering. I had to put it in my car before I started tapping out all the windows in my office.
Also from Saskatchewan! We do the Chinese Christmas exchange every year (everyone brings a gift, then opens a random gift, then steals gifts from each other.) The gift I opened up was a CANADA toque that was three sizes too big and a flashlight set. My dad promptly stole the gift from me because, safety, duh. Haha.
Your icy death would TOTES BE WORTH IT.
I live in SK as well, but I fear the river with such ferocity I bought one of those for everyone in my family. Also, you could totally die in a slew or dugout. Or at least I'll keep telling myself that.
Just to put a damper on the mood....I had a distant family member who ended up trapped in his car in a ditch for 12 hours in and almost lost several limbs to frostbite this Christmas in Alberta.
i have one of those in my car! ive used the seat belt cutter to cut rope that was holding something on my roof before. I had it in a bad accident where my car flipped but luckily didnt need it.
I have one of those, except I purchased it myself at Canadian Tire because I'm really bad at controlling my impulses. I, too, was very amused when I saw how effectively it shattered a window on Mythbusters.
Girl, I drive over Lake Pontchatrain everyday! This is a GREAT gift!
you are the coolest wife... ever.
Scrunchy, n
LMAO!! thanks!
LOL #canadianjokes
Lol, I would be so happy to have one of those. Peace of mind if you're ever in an accident - even one on dry land.
you should have bought him a sense of humor.
OMG, my mother got me one of these years ago. It is stored so far beneath my front seat that I will never be able to access it in an emergency.
He got me this restored crocodile handbag from the 70's that I saw in a store window weeks ago and said I loved. So.
See, I was once bought that by a significant other and loved it but, then again, I'm over-terrified of that exact scenario. I blame "Unsolved Mysteries" for my many fears of the sort..
As someone who used to commute across a floating bridge twice a day, 5 days a week for 4 years, this is as awesome gift.