
I don't know, according to the TV diamond jewelry is female Viagra.

Item #52-89662- Apple 64ghz IMac $1,099

Translation: "I choose my romantic partners solely on their physical appearance, this leads to me dating a lot of hot women who's personalities I find unbearable...feel sorry for me...but also envy me because I'm still getting laid constantly by hot bitchez! I IZ SUPER DEEP, SENSITIVE ARTIST GUY!!!"

If I had seen these without the whine-fest descriptions, I would have thought the shoes were cool and even editorial. But, there they are...

You make excellent points. If there were going to go for it, they should have gone for it whole heartedly.

Okay, that would've been good too. It seems like the route they took for style and tone was a kind of half-assed compromise between what the book is, and the established style of the three extant films. Which for me, didn't work well. GRAND ADVENTURE! Booger jokes.

But the white lights will make my Tom Hiddleston ornament look so much better!!!

Ah, c'mon, those 3 whiners got out of the fiery furnace okay.

Brandt or similar? Yeah. Everyone always wants to put another A into my name too. Meaghan, Meaghann, Meagghann (really). Even when I say "the shortest possible way to spell it correctly," nobody can get it.

As I mentioned somewhere else on this thread, my advice is always, "Sometimes it just doesn't matter because things can go south really quickly." My grandsons are "Aidan" and "Nicolas" officially but, in "real" life they're "Bert" and "Beeks."

This is why we're 2/3 of the Wei boys. This right here.

Get out! What a terrific name for a little kid! I would just squeeze the hell out of a little boy named "Frank." "Bob," too.

If I'd been a boy my name would have been Thorfinn Skullcleaver. I shit you not.

So, Veronica....

I know an adult Athena, and she is very, very Greek. I guess it's a very common name in Greece, like calling a girl Amy or Amanda.

I know 2 Athenas and 2 Venus's... spread evenly between actually Greek and mythology lovers/hippie parents.

I'm named after a starlet too! Of course, her taste in men is unknown to me... in fact, the only thing that is known to me is that after her star faded she began doing infomercials.

I know a Frank. He's about 10. The only one in his class.