
Awesome. I love it. Let the stalking commence!

This is only a few hours old. BIG thanks! But now I'm looking for an mp3 so I can rock out on my way home, and I don't think they exist yet :(

At the beginning of this: Oh I like Bastille, let me check this out.

The name of this band is Bastille and I love them. Fucking love them.

Holyshitthat'samazing! I am stunned at how good this sounds. I didn't think it was possible...

"If I could do it at 18 with a guy..."
Yeah but Charlie, that wasn't just any guy...

I'll be sure to, once I have money in my bank account. Kinda skirting the poverty line currently. My massive drug and alcohol habit won't feed itself. Hell, often I can't. Which is why I've rigged up a clever series of tubes that pump protein shakes and moonshine directly into my mouth, with a little hole for my

Oh man, I can totally buy a Malaysian child with that money saved! Thanks Obama!

Hell, since I'm a narcissist (but I'm aware of it, so I think I'm ok), I am actually writing a book where a thinly veiled expy of me gets sent to a poorly written fantasy world. Think a Yankee in King Arthur's Court, but with more swearing, tobacco withdrawal, dirty swordfighting, and extremely blunt observations.

Heh, as I like to say, I didn't just step out of the closet, I rammed it open with a stepping sidekick, then punchdanced down the street blasting "it's raining men" from a boom box. When you're a towering, highly pain tolerant near-psychopath mutant with impeccable manners and years of martial arts training, you don't

Oooh...I want a My Little Browncoat doll! I smell a Kickstarter here guys.

I'm reminded me of this book. When I was about four years old my grandfather took me to a bookstore and told me to choose something and of course I choose a book about organic dildos. He didn't realize that the title is a thinly veiled euphemism so he purchased it. I have vivid memories of this book being read to me

Meh...more Cumbergoodness for me, I suppose.

Also, there's a fair number of women who like MLP, and not all of us like the term 'Pegasister.' You never hear about us, though.

Now playing

I am coming here to echo all of tookiedelacreme's posts and comments re: bronies and some of the issues that permeate that culture.

I think you make a great point in general, but to me, the Brony aspect seems high-profile in comparison to other fandoms because MLP is a kid's show. I may just be ignorant of their existence, but I don't see a lot of grown women wearing MLP shirts and going to conventions and whatnot; I don't see a lot of older

The number of well-adjusted adult male MLP fans out is surprisingly high. I have a lot male classmates who were in the closet about it until they noticed a Pinkie Pie figurine on my desk. Often it's the people you least expect.

No probs. I'm just sad the link to the pic of Benedict I posted got broken. Oh well, here's another one:

See, because they are boys (tee hee!) who like girl stuff (tee hee hee!) & how gross is THAT?