Which old time Hollywood star do you feel deserves their notoriety? So many of them seem to have been smeared unfairly, I'd be interested in hearing who you think deserves their bad reputation.
Which old time Hollywood star do you feel deserves their notoriety? So many of them seem to have been smeared unfairly, I'd be interested in hearing who you think deserves their bad reputation.
I'm sorry, but Bisexual Captain America would be the best boyfriend ever!
The google search keywords you are looking for "kink meme". Add that to the fandom of your choice and tahdah!
False positive Trisomy 13 test. I was 7 months pregnant and had to have an amniocentesis. Ran into my ex boyfriend on the way into the test. He pretended like he didn't know me. Genetics counseling. Catholic hospital, no late term options for me if my child was missing important organs. I'd have to travel to a major…
Black leather gloves and a full face motorcycle helmet.
And hip waders are tres chic on us petite folk! ;)
Nope! You're not the only one! They tend to sag after wear too, it's almost like we need elastic and superglue.
Over the knee boots make me feel like Julia Roberts' character in Pretty Woman.
I was on a teen work crew for the summer. Not court mandated, I just wanted some extra money for college. I quit after my fellow work crew members threw a recently ran over, still fucking twitching fangs dripping and bared, RATTLESNAKE into the truck with me.
Blackberries are the worst. The seed pips get caught in spots in my teeth that require a robotic camera to navigate.
The underrated classic SHOTGUN WEDDING.
Hell yes. And afterwards Daddy Warbucks and I go out for egg creams at the soda fountain and we sing about our problems.
Add it to one of those frozen Cokes... That will make you forgive a multitude of cinema sins.
Can't wait to see what gets trapped in those recliner cushions.
He had balls, I'll give him that.
He asked me if I was in an open marriage as I was giving him his STD test results.
I'm a completionist. I have to have every badge, every achievement. My sister always plays Family Sims. ALWAYS. Then she raise the kids, gets bored of them when they become teens and abandons the family.
First impressions are usually accurate.
High School Honor Society trips were the proto-version of Battle Royale.