
Well, considering she’s almost at 3 million over for the popular vote, it’s not like her base abandoned her. I’d point to Comey, the Podesta Hack, Fake News, Third Party over confidence, and Russian Intervention as larger issues for her missing the EC votes. But even so, as someone who did vote for her, I haven’t

This makes the most sense to me, it’s just getting so close to “can’t turn back” territory (12/19) (I know the likelihood of anything being reversed is slim, but it’s still a rubicon to cross). And I certainly don’t expect a comment on everything, but standing with the Republicans pushing for an investigation into

Anyone else deeply disappointed by the lack of outcry from POTUS or Clinton? I get the “high road” argument, but I can’t fathom Trump’s administration being more destructive with its cabinet nominees, foreign policy moves, etc. Surely POTUS or Clinton could align themselves with the Republicans speaking out about the

What? Abbi is a trainer at soulstice to support her illustrating, and Ilana got fired in the last episode - she’s not a chronically unemployed character, like say, Kramer. Also, FWIW, Abbi lives in Astoria and Ilana lives in Red Hook, both in smaller/with a roommate digs - not a Carrie Bradshaw walk up situation or