So you’re always dumb, not just on some articles. Good to know.
So you’re always dumb, not just on some articles. Good to know.
If I suggested they be abstinent to avoid tranferring a virus and your argument was “but he plays sports!” then yes, I would say that to you in person.
“I’m not going to pursue something I’m not interested in.”
Seriously, I don’t even have kids and that seems goddamn preposturous. Your kids kinda need you, if only for the comfort of having a parent around, when they’re sick.
You sound kind of immature and honestly, get over it. Lives change. If you want your same friends, put in an effort. Otherwise, no shit they talk shit. You’ve abandoned them.
Slow the fuck down?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say “probably not, probably just some asshole who hates cyclists on the road and got a little mad that they were going slower than him.”
god, take your transphobia elsewhere. i sincerely doubt you rail this hard against other people who have indirectly caused car crashes. jesus fucking christ.
Idiot white men, that’s who.
No one is saying that. They’re saying to vote for Hillary because the alternative is literally a dictator. You look back and wonder how things like Hitler and WWII happened? This is how. Because people like you are too stubborn to see the fucking forest for the trees.
... non-rx and no cheaper than in an optometrist’s office.