kyle anderson .paak

I’m still wondering how Sasuke even ranks as high as he does after all these years. I could understand it during the pre-time skip chapters when he seemed like a viable rival for Naruto but after the time skip he had no redeeming qualities at all. The guy even forms a new team that is basically his old team only

I’m honestly surprised she even ended up with Sasuke considering that he directly attacked her at least once in each time period. I gave up on her character when she poisoned her allies to confront him solo.

Wasn’t it the same with Tsunade? Like her strength wasn’t brute strength so much as a strengthening technique that went along with her crazy medical skills and regeneration technique.

I watched that 17 minute long video yesterday, not knowing the poll was essentially for who would get a one-shot. It makes the results make a lot more sense, except for poor Choji who was placed like 84th.

Kishimoto doesn't even put respect on her name

asuma at 54 D:, at least he already has a manga about him running

Aka racist

Whatever Something Awful is today, its legacy is that it created a safe space for rotten personas like yours to exist on the internet.

fyad richard

Is not the website that was. People have mature, the culture have become somewhat woke.

even worse to hear that a person could live 45 years and still die by suicide

It sounds like the people closest to him were more grieved by his living existence.

While I’ve read a few of his books, found them engaging, and can definitely acknowledge he’s way smarter than I am, he tends to come across as a dick to many outside observers, either by acting superior to others or putting his foot in his mouth. Now, he frequently is of a superior intellect to the jerk-offs he

Ah man, you should play Peace Walker if you can. It might be my favorite of the series, though it probably hasn’t aged too well. At least when it was released, it had the deepest gameplay of any MGS game (not as many fancy tricks as MGS4, but certainly more game to play through) and I enjoyed the story for being far

“writing a simple story but regurgitated enough times”

I haven’t played Death Stranding yet, so I can’t address your example. I will readily admit dialogue in these games repeat certain terms ad nauseum. “Nanomachines” in MGS4, the bacteria in MGS5. But long scenes of dialogue don’t really change what’s going on in the

“I’m intrigued by the psychology of how the player/Raiden are “denied” victories and such. It’s something that seems very plausible in retrospect but what makes it so in the mind of the player?”

“it just feels like a series of setbacks”

You seem to have answered your own question. 

Stop taking it so personally and try to be more objective in understanding what the purpose behind that choice was.

From the context, I don’t read it that he’s being called a bastard for his comments on eugenics. There are other reasons he’s a bastard, which I imagine are what’s being referred to.

It 100% is. The games basically started with Kojima having people do caricatures of actors he liked as if he was casting them for a movie, and the name Snake was definitely derived (along with many plot elements from Escape from New York)

Is Irioquois Pliskin a reference to Escape from New York/L.A.?