

I said, “Joe Mantegna!”

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the new University of Maryland football coach.

“I regret the fact I tried to be a father figure.”

Also not a good sign that they have 4 players from Pittsburgh and a player actually called Pitts. Not a recipe for success.

Andrew Luck has thrown 124 passes in three games. Yeah, they’re really protecting that arm with over 40 attempts a game. Brissett has a cannon. Why risk Luck in that play?  This was a great call by a good coach.  Maybe the writer of this article should watch more football and write less about it.

You tab people are the same jerks in my office that have 50 PowerPoints or Excel documents open and spend half the meeting trying to find the dumb slides they were going to show the team. Close your shit. 

Hey man, we tried!

That third down play was actually a performance art piece entitled Ennui

It was amazing just how hard Kellerman was pulling for Canelo. He spent the entire first half talking about it like GGG needed a KO to win. 

guaranteeing that the Browns cannot go worse than 0-15-1 in the 2018 season.

Could he have an ADA case, if he can claim the NBA is exaggerating his condition to keep him out?

A “beaning” is hitting him in the head (his “bean”).

As a crazy person who is also cub fan, I’ve seen a large percentage of his at bats through his career. So I’ve spent a lot of time this season trying to figure out what exactly is different about him in 2018. What’s helped Baez this year, hilariously, is that he’s swinging MORE. Look at his swing rates in his career,

That horrible moment when the engines fail and all you hear is the wind whistling around the fuselage before the oxygen masks drop down and you go into a tailspin?

+1 discarded white suit

Cali has the best donuts. 

Is crazy that the NFL has a rule that all the money for a guaranteed contract must go in escrow