
A third option is that she’s a woman in America and has to deal with this kind of shit all the time because assholes like to dismiss that it happens.

I’ve never heard of Burneko, but the Beejoli Shah stuff was public on Twitter (now you have to go to alt-right sites to see it so I’m not interested in doing that at the moment.) The other three - Daulerio, Craggs, Biddle - were on the ShittyMediaMen list.

Of course you were. Being allowed to comment on Deadspin is arbitrary unless you managed to get the company dragged into a public lawsuit that bankrupts everything. Then you can post anything you want as Country Mac’s Occular Patdown. Who wouldn’t want to let that keep hanging around?

Burneko seems like a piece of shit.

Blaming the victim? I thought that wasn’t allowed ‘round these parts.


Defense lawyer here. At a grand jury proceeding there is no rules of evidence and no defense attorney. It’s a closed door proceeding. Ever heard the phrase, “you can indict a ham sandwhich?” It basically means that a prosecutor can get an indictment behind closed doors on anyone for anything. So it has no

Yet I was greyed from Deadspin for questioning whether a police report from 22 years ago that didn’t result in any charges is really newsworthy, and is worthy of a blog post from the person considered the most accomplished writer for Deadspin. I was taking the unpopular side, but shouldn’t that be allowed a voice?

Are we ready to talk about Greg Howard yet? That happened a lot most recently than 1996.

The guy got caught with an illegal gun twice. So much for wanting tougher gun laws.