
Always remember, hockey is not about winning, it’s always about fun.”

Yeah, they’re supposed to be confused teens figuring themselves out. That’s basically the whole schtick of the show.  

The rat was fine other than being bad CGI. People that hate it act like it’s this embarrassing middle-school attempt to mindfuck the audience with an obvious metaphor, but the point of the shot is just to juxtapose the rat against the State Building—it doesn’t matter if the rat metaphor is obvious or not, because the

And if you want to stay that way, remember to vote so Andrew Scheer doesn’t win this October.

If the Raptors win Trump is out and Canada gets put in charge, that should clean things up in a hurry.

Hawaii to do list:

I’ve reached out for clarification and will update when she texts me back.

I’ve reached out for clarification and will update when she texts me back.

Why should they be wary of the grain-free varieties? Just Nutro or the general category?

Why should they be wary of the grain-free varieties? Just Nutro or the general category?

Any particular reason for why one should stray from the grain free varieties?

Any particular reason for why one should stray from the grain free varieties?

But of course expressing this many-layered view means I am a jealous, insecure Black woman who believes no one should ever be able to date interracially and who says their fave is not really Black and whatever other thing trolls, racists, butt-hurt Black men with white girlfriends, and assholes want to claim,

It pains me to do this(it really doesn’t, i thrive on this) but that’s not a one-timer.

Nashville has shown itself to be a true hockey town filled with real fans, because they booed the living shit out of Bettman last night, as is proper and right.

You know what team sucks even more than the Packers right now? The VIKINGS, because they don’t have a QB!!!!

Bizarre? Huge? Practically nothing in it? Maybe you just don’t understand Canada in general.

Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.

You know who else was a frisky, “small” QB that early in his career was constantly yo-yo’d on and off the bench? Drew Brees.

I’m going to suggest a somewhat unusual merger partner for FCA: Honda. Here’s why:

Depends on the player and team. Lebron has practically locked Blatt out of coaching all season and most people just kind of accept it.

My son was born on April 1st and that little disappointment continues to be the cruelest prank the universe has ever played on me.

I think, Andrew, that the problem is two fold: