Adding cheese powder is easier.
There’s already a comic book with that premise... and a show coming out based on the comic book.
No she wont.
If there’s one thing that RU loves... it is DOLLHAIRS. The more coint she gets the better. She’s not giving up her cash cow - Drag Race - until she burns it to the ground herself.
She learned form Tyra not to give up her main franchise.
Plus filming drag race for her is pretty quick. She checks in with the girls…
I’m aware... but this person should not travel and die in ignorance. I don’t want them going and spreading their internalized hate to other places.
Please don’t travel.
If it hit projections it will get a third movie. It increased performance of the last movie by 50%, and it came in after what was considered to be one of the most depressing endings to a Marvel movie to date.
She’s living the “Linda Taylor” Dream.
The first “Welfare Queen” was a white woman pretending to be black... But trotted out to the public as the “Black Face of Welfare Fraud”
You spelled humanizing wrong.
QUESTION... Who is the suit that’s having lunch with Pruitt... I would LOVE to know.
A source tells CNN that an “uncooperative” suspect is in custody. He has not been identified and CBS News reports that the gunman is a white male, in his 20s, who didn’t have an ID.
Can she and Auntie Maxine start a supergroup with RBG & Sotomayor?
Most white people usually do...
Uh, queen. It meant you weren’t showing symptoms... You know you an be a carrier without immediately showing symptoms.
Please sit down and stop commenting.
Lowkey =/= Low-Key =/= Loki...