She-Thor is AH-MAZING. She’s on par with Captain America.
She-Thor is AH-MAZING. She’s on par with Captain America.
Coulson is actually a reaaaaaaaly terrible tsum. The Guardians of Galaxy tsums... are AMAZING.
This kid is the WORST. I watched 5 min of the show and wanted to smash the tv with a brick.
This is the second fuck up that Comedy Central made, after not giving Samantha Bee the Daily Show.
Has anyone informed Thiel of the Streisand effect?
it explores a truth about all men: We are at once terrified of the Joker and horny for Margot Robbie.
You will be the reason for President Trump. “Gawker Commenter befuddled that vote mattered”
The Album will be titled: Warm Glass of Piss
The strung-out hick couple from the beginning of the episode were the same couple from the “War of the Coprophages” AND “Quagmire”!
Perfectly punchable?
The corset is real, just tacked onto the shirt - and can be laced correctly.
Hers was also the most ridiculous since she LITERALLY had the power to come back from the dead. THAT WAS HER ONLY JOB.
Duh. Remember last week when we got really drunk and then solved the case of that black lady that looked hella white.
I have a theory I want to float... What if Ru chose Violet, because she’s such a self centered turd. When, NOT IF, Violet does some Nancy Karrigen level shit the audience will turn on her and focus more on the loosing queens - as Ru said “loosing is the new winning”.
What these students are doing is pearl clutching, incoherent hysteria (yes I know...) under the guise of feminism.
missed one!
Club Nintendo codes are region locked. Unless you registered your system and your Nintendo Network ID as a UK ID, it won’t work. Did you set up your system / Nintendo ID as Swedish?
DeKeyMa wasn’t part of Club nintendo - and joined too late to add the downloaded games to it. So he’s whinging about not getting MewTwo for 14 days.