It was the belt! But she did wear the glove at some point in the film as a head wrap!
It was the belt! But she did wear the glove at some point in the film as a head wrap!
They can eat VERY specific shit.
There was once a 4 day thread dedicated to figuring out what my ethnicity was... no one got it right. Not even close.
This dude is an MRA troll - you can stop and move along.
Probably... but then why / when did one have to claim it to live it? Feminism as a construct does not need one to live by the label, as labels are part of oppression.
Uh... no - they should keep going. The albums get... more... complicated. But they stay consistently amazing.
Start at the beginning. They get more complicated from there... it's easier to set up.
Though they won't give specifics as to how they're rolling out pre-orders, they're promising that west coasters will have a fair shot this time, so call your local store and cross your fingers if you want one.
It's ironic that this man... who was himself a living hologram - a high voiced queen dripping in more extravagant furs and jewels than Princess Grace, and dresses more opulent and grand than anything worn in the Vatican - ALL WHILE claiming he was a pussy pumping hetero is getting a real hologram. A real echo of the…
UPDATE 9 (1/16, 8:06pm): Nintendo's website listing has now changed from "coming soon" to "pre-order currently unavailable." Don't despair, though: we're still keeping an eye out and will update this post if we see the system for sale anywhere soon—though now that it's the weekend, things may be slower. We'll keep an…
yeah they kinda evaporated....
All gone..
I'm trying to get some karma built up so that I can grab one from NA.
UPDATE 7 (1/16, 9:55am): We've been monitoring all the retail sites but have yet to see pre-orders reopen anywhere. We'll let you know if that changes. Some gross scalpers are already selling overpriced units on eBay and Amazon. A couple of readers have said they heard that Best Buy may be taking in-store orders in…
He should talk to Margaret Cho about her experience... this is almost a word for word recreation of most of her meetings with producers.
UPDATE 6 (1/15, 1:31pm): The bad news: Nintendo World in NYC is sold out, according to multiple readers. The good news: Nintendo of America's website says pre-orders on the Majora 3DS are coming soon, so we're keeping an eye out to see when that happens.
I'm waiting for christmas to get the NEW gold Zelda 3dsXL