
Heyer, not Meyer. Thanks, autocorrect!

Thanks for your lovely and helpful contribution.

Traditionally, saints get “feast days” on the church calendar, days on which their lives (and what they did to merit sainthood, so the rest of the church can be reminded of their example) are remembered. A similar calendar with annual remembrances of these people would be a good idea, I think. Feb 21 for malcolm x,

St Michael Brown (et al). St Heather Meyer. Christians saint their martyrs. We should, too.

Your quoted phrases seem to me more like synonyms for “blue collar.” Whereas this lady seems better described as “working poor.” Not being pedantic; I think there’s a real difference between the two. Hell, I’m white collar, make more than her, and I’m still living paycheck to paycheck...because being a single parent

“I would like to unequivocally condemn this terrorist attack. And also pancakes.”

Now playing

Yes, MTV did have music when I was a kid but, tbh, it was mostly crap. Hence, the Dead Kennedys song. 120 Minutes was always good, though.

^Outlandish opinions like this are what’s giving internet commenters a bad name.

“We can all agree yesterday went too far.”

“I had to stop my actual job to write about breaking news”

I think this zit is getting to the point where we need to go ahead and pop it.

they werent really wrong though:

We are so, so, desperately screwed.

They don’t want the gummint telling them who they can refuse wedding cakes to, but they want to be able to tell insurance companies what they can or can’t insure. Got it.

“Everything that feels right isn’t good for you,” he told me. He had taken a particular interest in me because of the color of my skin, but when I told him that I didn’t share his religious beliefs, he insisted my home was with his church, with the others with brown skin, and that I was going through a phase, that

And now this.

We really do need to unite. So, black people, please stop complaining. Then we can all go back to our peaceful coexistemce....

Given that the NFL is two thirds black, I think we need more than one. Even a quarter, even 10 percent, of black players speaking out would be a big deal.

Right, because I was clearly excusing them.

I’m less mad at these morons than I am at the powerful people who manipulate their irrational fears.